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Planning, Permitting, and Assessing Services

Janet E. Shatney, Director of Planning, Permitting & Assessing
Zoning Administrator, Current Interim Assessor

6 N. Main Street, Suite 7
Barre, VT  05641
(802) 476-0245
Direct:  (802) 477-1465

Michelle La Barge-Burke, Permit Administrator
6 N Main St Suite 7
Barre VT 05641
(802) 476-0245
Direct:  (802) 477-1466

Kathryn H. Bramman, Assessing Clerk
6 N Main St Suite 7
Barre VT 05641
(802) 476-0244

Direct: (802) 477-1467

If you are planning on any construction or land use change project within the city, either to your home, rental or business, or have questions on anything permit related, please contact the Planning Director to determine whether or not permits are needed and what is required. State and local requirements change frequently, and there are penalties for not having the right permits. The permit application forms, mapping information, regulations and current version of the Municipal plan can all be found in the toolboxes on the right of this page. Should you need any documents from our zoning or building/electrical files be scanned to you, please also send MICHELLE or JANET an email and someone will assist you.

For assessing lister cards or copies of tax maps, please email KATHRYN or via telephone at (802) 476-0244 and she will be more than happy to email you, or print and mail to you a lister card or map.  JANET can also send you lister cards when Kathryn is not available.

 The Planning & Permitting Department is responsible for the administration and enforcement of the City land-use regulations, development of the City Master Plan, other ongoing planning efforts, GIS mapping coordination, and grant preparation and administration. The department is staffed by a full-time Planning Director as well as a full-time permit administrator. The Department reviews all development proposals and assists the public in understanding the ordinances and helping them through the permit process. The Administrator is also responsible for taking action on all known zoning violations. Lastly, the Planning Director is charged with securing grants relating to planning-related projects.

The Planning & Permitting Department has recently been, or is currently involved, in several planning activities including:

          The adopted Municipal Master Plan will aid the City in Barre for a multitude of things, including the ability to empower local decisions by making it possible to adopt zoning, subdivision and flood hazard regulations; to be able to influence state regulatory proceedings such as Act 250 applications; and also to qualify and receive priority for certain state funding and federal programs, including planning, implementation, and brownfield development grants.

          You can help us by participating in any robust, public engagement by attending meetings, sending us comments, and help us paint a clear picture of the City's future, making Barre City a great place to live and work.