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The Assessing Department assesses all real property in the City of Barre. The Assessor’s office prepares and files the Grand List and maintains the individual assessment records for all recorded parcels in Barre City. The office also maintains maps indicating the location of properties in the City. Property Transfer Returns and field inspections are used to update the assessment records on a regular basis.


Agreeably to the provisions of Title 32, Vermont State Statutes Annotated, Section 4111, notice is hereby given that the undersigned Assessor within and for the City of Barre has this day completed the abstract of property owners as of the twenty-fourth day of June, 2024.  The Assessor has this same day lodged the abstract in the office of the clerk for the inspection of taxpayers.

Beginning WEDNESDAY, JULY 10, 2024 AT 8:30 AM, the undersigned assessor will meet at City Hall, to hear appeals of the taxpayers aggrieved by actions of the assessor from whom timely grievances have been received.  To be timely, such grievance must be in writing and received (postmarks not accepted) by TUESDAY, JULY 9, 2024 AT 4:00 PM.  At the close of grievance hearings, the Assessor shall make such corrections in the abstract as were determined upon hearing or otherwise. Unless cause to the contrary is shown, the contents of said abstract will, for the tax year 2025, become the grand list of the city of each taxpayer named therein.  You must decide whether you want a hearing with the Assessors, taking approximately 15 minutes to go through your grievance package, or if you want your written documentation to serve as the hearing. Should you desire a hearing, please call Kathryn at (802) 476-0244 to schedule a grievance time.                                            

Larry Martin, Assessor
Carly Martin, Asst. Assessor



Vermont Law requires that the Assessor annually post a notice when the Abstract (Preliminary) Grand List is lodged with the City Clerk. On the same day, State Law requires that an individual notice of any Change in Appraisal be mailed to all property owners whose value has been changed.

Assessment changes are made annually for building improvements, additions, removal of buildings, subdivisions of land, etc.


32 V.S.A. §4111(g) reads as follows:

A person who feels aggrieved by the action of the Assessor and desires to be heard by them, shall, on or before the day of the grievance meeting, file with them his objections in writing and may appear at such grievance meeting in person or by his agents or attorneys. Upon the hearing of such grievance the parties thereto may submit such documentary or sworn evidence as shall be pertinent thereto.

Grievances for the 2025 tax year must be submitted in writing, and received at the City offices no later than TUESDAY, JULY 9, 2024 by 4:00 PM via email to Assessor@barrecity.org, or by written letter received by this same date.  Grievances received after 4:00 pm Wednesday July 9, 2024 will be considered LATE and will not be used for this year.  We recommend using this 2024 GRIEVANCE FORM, but it is not mandatory.  After the 2024 grievance period, you can grieve any time by submitting a letter and documentation that we will keep on file, but it will not be reviewed or considered until next April 2025.

Feel free to read this informational document on HOW TO APPEAL YOUR ASSESSMENT.

Services provided by the Assessing office:

Records and forms available for review:

For lister cards or copies of tax maps, please email Kathryn Bramman or call her at (802) 476-0244 and she will be more than happy to help.  Janet, the Director can assist with lister cards as well.

Property Sales Reports

Property Sales Reports 04/02/2024 to 09/30/2024


Property Sales Reports 04/02/2023 to 04/01/2024

Property Sales Reports 04/02/22 to 04/01/2023
Property Sales Reports 04/02/21 to 04/01/22 Property Sales Reports 04/02/20 to 04/01/21
Property Sales Reports 04/02/19 to 04/01/20 Property Sales Reports 04/02/18 to 04/01/19
Property Sales Reports 04/02/17 to 04/01/18 Property Sales Reports 04/02/16 to 04/01/17
Property Sales Reports 04/02/15 to 04/01/16 Property Sales Reports 04/02/14 to 04/01/15



City of Barre Grand List:

The City of Barre Grand Lists have been provided below as both a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet, and as an Adobe *.pdf document that can be searched by name, parcel number or address, and is valid as of July 15 of each year.  These files will not reflect any specific property value changes that have occurred after this date.

For further information or to verify any updates made since July 15th, please contact Cheryl Metivier, City Clerk/Treasurer, or Kathryn Bramman, Assessing Clerk.

For the Year 2024 (April 2, 2024 through April 1, 2025), the are:
Adobe PDF file:  FY24 City of Barre Grand List
Microsoft Excel file:  FY24 City of Barre Grand List

For the year 2023 (Apr 2, 2023 through April 1, 2024), they are:

Adobe pdf file:  FY23 City of Barre Grand List
Microsoft Excel file:  FY23 City of Barre Grand List

For the year 2022 (Apr 2, 2022 through April 1, 2023), they are:
Adobe pdf file:  FY22 City of Barre Grand List
Microsoft Excel file:  FY22 City of Barre Grand List

Previous Year 2021 (Apr 2, 2021 through April 1, 2022), they are:
Adobe pdf file:  FY21 City of Barre Grand List
Microsoft Excel file:  FY21 City of Barre Grand list